C.T.R. S.a.s. was born in the 70's in a garage owned by the Canavese family, located in Garessio in province of Cuneo (Italy). The initial activity consisted in production of boiler assembly articles, later extended with car components molding.
The common threads that distinguish the way to operate of the company have been from the beginning, and now too, the total dedication to work and continuous research and design of new items to produce and enter the market.
Over the years, C.T.R. S.a.s. grew with satisfaction of numerous clients, which have always been aware to buy products of undoubted, highest quality.
The company has, for several years, ISO 9001 and UNI EN 1090 certification, so C.T.R. S.a.s. is enabled to produce its items according to quality standards recognized throughout the world; certifications are issued by the certification body RINA Services s.p.a. For this, C.T.R. S.a.s. is able to offer not only FINISHED PRODUCTS STRICTLY NO MADE IN CHINA, but it ensures that even EACH COMPONENT (bushings, tubes and accessories) IS MADE IN ITALY by Italian certified suppliers. For this reason, it is clear that comparison with corresponding articles or components of uncertain provenance is not possible.
Concerning the production of automobile fuel tanks, C.T.R. S.a.s. works with auto repair shops, spare parts dealers and private CAREFULLY APPLYING THREE DIFFERENT TYPES OF PRICE; it guarantees the right margin of profit to the commercial categories mentioned above.
Si evidenzia che gli aiuti di Stato e gli aiuti de minimis ricevuti dall'impresa sono contenuti nel registro nazionale degli aiuti di stato di cui all'art.52 della L. 234/2012 a cui si rinvia, consultabile al seguente LINK